
A middle-aged businessman, a soldier, a programmer, an accountant, an engineer, a stuntwoman, a behavioural scientist and an ex-hacker from the Netherlands, South Africa, France, Japan and the UK form 3G, a unique collective with the vision and the skills to find and root out criminals that police and courts may never be able to … Read more

Behind Closed Doors: Shedding Light on Domestic Crimes and its Lasting Effects

Domestic crimes within the supposed safety of homes are often hidden from public view, leaving victims suffering in silence. This blog aims to unveil the dark reality of domestic crimes and bring attention to their long-lasting effects on individuals, families, and society. By shedding light on this important issue, we can better understand the magnitude … Read more

Striking a Balance Managing Media Attention While Protecting the Mission of Crime-Fighting Organizations

Media attention plays a significant role in shaping public perception of crime-fighting organizations. While media coverage can be instrumental in raising awareness, generating public support, and aiding investigations, it also poses challenges in maintaining operational integrity and safeguarding sensitive information. This blog explores the delicate balance that crime-fighting organizations must strike when managing media attention … Read more

The Ripple Effect of International Crime

International crime has far-reaching consequences beyond the borders of the countries where the physical act occur. Criminal activities such as human trafficking, drug trafficking, and cybercrime can significantly impact individuals, communities, and nations worldwide. In this blog, we’ll explore the ripple effect of international crime and how it affects us all. The Global Nature of … Read more

How to Write a Crime Thriller Novel

Have an Idea One of the primary concerns for a writer is their narrative concept and the idea behind it. If they feel like they have a unique idea, they need to find a way to make their story relatable and believable. If a story is without a concept or plot, it will be strewn … Read more